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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

HoloSync Review: What is the function of the various brainwaves?

There are four categories of brainwaves that range from the most activity (beta) to the least activity (delta).

When your brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. A person in active conversation or displaying any sharp, witty, “fully engaged” behavior is in beta.

The next brainwave category in order of activity is alpha. Where beta represents varying degrees of arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. You are conscious and aware, but relaxed when you’re in the alpha state. Sitting and watching the tide roll in, walking calmly through a garden, listening to relaxing music, and most meditation experiences occur in alpha.

The next state is theta. When you lose focused consciousness – such as when you “space out” or daydream, you’re in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they don't recall the last few miles, is often in a theta state -- induced by the repetitious nature of freeway driving. I get many great ideas while driving and you probably do too. That’s because when you and I are in theta we often experience a free-flow of ideas.

This can also occur in the shower or tub. That’s because theta is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them.

The creation process that takes place during the theta state often occurs without censorship or guilt. It can be a very positive mental state.

The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are slowest. In delta, you experience a deep dreamless sleep.

When delta brainwave frequencies increase into theta, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to you. When this occurs it is commonly indicated by rapid eye movement (REM sleep) - characteristic of active dreaming.

Here is a Brief Summary of the Brainwaves and How They Affect You

Deep Sleep
The mind is at rest, dormant.

Drowsiness (early sleep & deep meditation)
Dreaming state, or thoughts from the subconscious come to the surface.

Alert but Relaxed (deeply relaxed or dreaming)
Relaxed thoughtfulness; conscious thought.

Highly Focused & Alert (normal waking state)
Intense situations requiring your focused attention.

Now that you have the knowledge of these brainwave states you can enhance your ability to make use of them: this includes being mentally productive across a wide range of activities, such as being intensely focused, relaxed, creative or in restful sleep. In the normal flow of life, you may only have access to these states at certain times and while performing specific activities that have been largely unknown to you before.

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