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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

HoloSync Review: Attention Deficit Disorder

Our technology easily explains this problem, why it occurs and what you can do about it.

When any person is exposed to a specific brainwave state for a long enough duration of time, brainwave entrainment occurs. In other words, the brain is trained to "tune into" that frequency.

While watching television, a person gets into an "alpha" state. This is characterized by a relaxed body and an aware - though not focused - state of mind.

Most often, we accurately call this "vegging out".

When the mind becomes entrained in this way, it is difficult for an individual to easily rise into "beta", which is the state of mind required for active, focused thinking.

As a result, the individual is labeled as "lazy", "aloof", "not present". In other words, they proceed through life in the same mental state they'd be in if sitting in front of the boob tube all day. It has little to do with nature of the individual - the mind has just been trained to tune into that sedentary frequency.

The same type of temporary brainwave manipulation occurs when you're on a long stretch of road and with a blink of your eyes, you realize five or ten miles have passed since you were last "paying attention".

This is a "theta" state of mind that allows you to "daydream" while doing a repetitive task that doesn't require your mental attention.

Our technology allows you to direct your mind in the same way - in the direction of your choosing.

It is no more dangerous (though much more beneficial because you have control over your mental state) than watching television.

If there is a downside to our technology - and self help approaches in general - it's that they often require time out of your day. Usually it's time well invested in yourself.

But, sometimes it just isn't possible.

So, if you don't have 20-60 minutes to invest in your well-being - then you probably need a good time management course first. It isn't necessary to listen every day, but the more you use these tracks the more you'll benefit.

Personally, I enjoy listening to these tracks before bedtime. I get ready for bed, listen, relax and then sleep like a bear hibernating for Winter!

Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE


Anonymous said...

I think this technology is wonderful at a cheaper price. I believe that over a period of time my mind will change by listening to your CD. I am seriously thinking about purchasing this not only for myself but also for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel