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Thursday, November 8, 2007

"What are 'isochronic tones'?"

I've received this question from about
a half dozen people now and you may be
wondering this too . . .

"What are 'isochronic tones'?"

The reason people are asking this question
is that one of the bonuses with the new
Deep Zen Meditation program is an
"Isochronic tones" version.

To put it simply, Isochronic tones is
a technology that means you do not need
to wear headphones to experience the
effect of what we can do for you.

That sounds great! Why don't you make
all of your programs this way?

There are two primary reasons for that -
one is that we can take you continually
deeper with the "standard" technology
that requires headphones.

The other reason, probably a personal
preference, is that doing nothing but
listening and meditating will give the
multitaskers out there a higher quality
of experience. :-)

Remember, you can learn all about the
new Deep Zen Meditation program here:

Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE