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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

HoloSync Review: Are you a speed junkie too?

I admit to being a speed junkie. Give me that
double shot mocha - I need to get myself more
revved up!

Calm is the last thing I wanted to feel most of
the time.

At least, that's until I experienced calm and

When I began using binaural beat technology, I
was interested in the programs that increased
creativity and focus - that stimulated my brain
into being and doing more.

So, I was reluctant when it was suggested to me
that what I needed was the opposite - instead
of more mental stimulation, I needed to calm down
the current brainwave activity - first - to have
what I wanted.

Like you, I wanted to experience the best I could
be. And learning to calm down was a critical
first step to achieving that.

When you use the Totally Tranquil program, you
quiet the noise in your head - you know, the
constant chatter, the never ending to-do list -
even the overwhelming number of new ideas and
information overload you deal with every moment
of every day.

When you calm that noise, remarkably, you will
make better, clearer decisions. You will be
able to "think" again. You will remove the
clutter that prohibits optimal creativity and
experience a calm that is, to me, priceless.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to try
the Totally Tranquil program - and even if you
don't, I hope that what I've shared about first
calming your mind helps you to get what you

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