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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Holosync Vs. Holothink: Have you tried these techniques?

I bet you're starting to see some clear causes for your stress,
some of which you may not have noticed before. At a glance, how
much of your stress is caused by outside influences, and how much
is caused by your own habits and perceptions? If you're like most
people, probably the larger portion of your stress comes from
within you!

Today we're going to cover some great ways to deal with stress,
whether the causes are from your outer circumstances or within you.

There are three basic ways to deal with a stressful situation:

1) Take action to make changes. When a situation or person is
causing you to feel stressed, you might be able to change it
around. For example, if your boss is piling more and more work
onto your desk and you're struggling to keep up, you may be able to
speak to him or her about it and devise a solution. Or if you
can't make any changes to your job itself, you might consider
switching to a new job that is less demanding. (Of course, you'll
want to be sure that the job itself is what is causing your stress,
and not your own perceptions and beliefs! Otherwise your stress
will follow you to a new job as well.)

An alternative to this kind of change is to change your brainwave
state. When your mind is relaxed, your perceptions will change
too: http://www.holothink.com/tranquil.html

2) Change your perception. If there aren't any actions you can
take to reduce your stress, you can work on changing your
perception of the situation. For example, rather than feeling
resentful and overwhelmed by a heavy workload, you can choose to
see it as a challenge and come up with creative solutions to be
more efficient. You can find ways to make the work fun instead of
boring, or simply let go of any dire consequences your mind might
conjure up about not getting your work done on time.

Changing perceptions can be very challenging until you've
effectively quieted some of the noisy brainwave activity that can
cause you to feel anxious and stressed. With that noise quieted,
change can happen faster and easier. Try this while using the
Totally Tranquil program and see for yourself:

3) Accept it. When you can't make changes and you've altered your
perception as much as you can, sometimes the only thing left to do
is accept that you're in a stressful situation and just deal with
it. I know that sounds difficult to do, but there is also a
pleasant sense of freedom and peace that comes along with
acceptance. Rather than fighting against your circumstances you
simply relax and let go of worry and frustration. You just cope,
moment to moment. Most often this will be a temporary choice
rather than a long-term one, but it does work if you're in a tough
situation and you can't get out of it quite yet.

Different situations will require different reactions, of course.
Go down your list of stressors now and ask yourself if you can take
action, change your perception or accept each one. Then do what
you can to reduce the stress you experience in each of those

Again, you won't be able to obliterate all stress from your life,
but with these 3 coping tools you should be able to reduce it by
quite a bit. Tomorrow I'll share some helpful relaxation
techniques that you can use on a daily basis to better manage what
stress you do have left.

Until then,


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