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Monday, November 12, 2007

HoloSync Review - How You Can Use HoloSync To Enhance Meditation

By Peter Hill

"Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom."


It seems that nowadays each year sees the launch of a new technology designed to help with meditation and self-discovery. This year will be no exception as the new Holosync meditation CDs grow in popularity and gathers reviews from mainstream media. From the claims of enhanced creativity, to the ability to achieve deeper states then zen monk, these expensive CD's are drawing much attention as well a competition from new alternative products. This article will explore the many exciting aspects of this new technology and their impact on the self-help community.

Like many other self-help and meditation products available today, the Holosync technology is aimed at increasing a persons creativity and imagination. The first thing you will notice when you put on headphones and begin listening to a track, is that all outside sounds, and outside distractions fade away. You find that you can listen carefully to the sounds and really focus in on your own thoughts, your own feelings, your own sensations and pictures that flow through your mind. Like clouds floating in the sky. It is so powerful at times that it can be difficult to quite the mind after a session and even harder to fall asleep. You will find that thoughts and inspiration fills your mind, and this often causes an inability to quite the mind. While enhanced creativity is often something people enjoy, it can also case a sense of excitement that is hard to simmer down. Along with this, there is somewhat of a commitment that is required to enjoy the maximum benefit of these technologies.

In the same way that all good skills in life require discipline, to get the most out of a meditation session you must begin to invest time in practicing. The ideal amount of time per week to meditate is for one hour a day for six days of the week. Now this can be cut down to a half hour or even twenty minutes to enjoy the good feelings of centeredness. You can even listen for five to 10 minutes and still get the Holosync effect. Many people who get into the ritual of meditation often find themselves only using the CD's about three to four times a week and still feel great about the work. However often you do it, you will find that each time you do it, it will take you deeper into yourself and quicker each time.

The claim is that you can reach deeper states of consciousness then someone who is a seasoned veteran of meditation your first try. It has been said that within the first week, you will reach a deeper level of meditation then a Zen monk. Others find that it quickly causes them to spark their imagination, leading them to new thoughts, new feelings, new sensations and new behaviors. There are many great things that can come from using your mind for a change, but always for a price.

The Holosync CD's that first came onto the market were made by the Centerpoint Reasearch Institute, and cost roughly a hundred dollars per disk, with many subsequent levels. Since they first introduced the technology years ago, many other competitors have released similar products. After trying these alternatives, many people have found that they are just as effective in reaching deeper states of consciousness. Some have even been found to be superior is value based on the instructions provided with the audio. Some range from hundreds of dollars to some that are as little as thirty dollars.

As you can probably tell by now, these are only some of the reasons that Holosync CD's have received so much attention online. Regardless of whether you use them once or once a day, you may find that you can enhance your meditations, spark your creativity and enjoy deeper levels of consciousness, even if you try an alternative product. It is quite likely that this technology will evolve to meet the demands of the self-help marketplace, and help enhance meditation for all who try it.

Peter Hill is a self improvement addict and avid follower of the culture. He runs an informational website that provides tips, articles, and free Holosync audio samples. To take advantage of this cool stuff and more make sure to check out Peter's website at

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Hill

Thursday, November 8, 2007

"What are 'isochronic tones'?"

I've received this question from about
a half dozen people now and you may be
wondering this too . . .

"What are 'isochronic tones'?"

The reason people are asking this question
is that one of the bonuses with the new
Deep Zen Meditation program is an
"Isochronic tones" version.

To put it simply, Isochronic tones is
a technology that means you do not need
to wear headphones to experience the
effect of what we can do for you.

That sounds great! Why don't you make
all of your programs this way?

There are two primary reasons for that -
one is that we can take you continually
deeper with the "standard" technology
that requires headphones.

The other reason, probably a personal
preference, is that doing nothing but
listening and meditating will give the
multitaskers out there a higher quality
of experience. :-)

Remember, you can learn all about the
new Deep Zen Meditation program here:

Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Biofeedback VS. Binaural Beats

"Stop it. Just calm down. Here, sit down here. Now breathe
slowly....slowly...in through your nose, that's it, now out through
your mouth. Again. And one more time. There. Now tell me what
happened. What frightened you so?"

Sound familiar? This is probably the earliest kind of human
biofeedback, not counting the tiger who killed the hunters because
she smelled their fear and they couldn't stop themselves in time!

In the illustration above, one person is giving feedback to
another. The observer notices a frantic brain state in an
individual and cannot find out why. The observer gives feedback
about the person's consciousness, coupled with a suggestion.
"You're overly excited. You're useless to me this way. Sit down."

When the hysterical person complies, the "feedback machine," in
this case probably a good friend, offers another observation and
suggestion. "You're breathing too hard. Slow your breathing. Inhale
deeply, now exhale. Do it again, very slowly." The frightened
individual is calming down. Speech might be possible. The "trainer"
offers another tip, "One more time."

Biofeedback is a fairly young science, as such, emerging in the
heyday of alternatives, the 1960s. Along with renewed interest in
all things retro, back to nature, and alternative medicine,
biofeedback is enjoying a resurgence in the beginning of the 21st

Medical personnel agree that 80-90% of all illnesses have an
originating component in the mind. This is not hypochondria, it is
not "thininking you are sick," but it is bad thinking, chiefly
stress. Someone cuts you off at an intersection and what you choose
to think about that can wreck your whole day--and your blood
pressure--or not. Stress is implicated in most of the diseases
plaguing industrialized nations. "I have this machine now to help
me work, but it's broken. I must now also reboot the machine."

Frustrating, isn't it?

Biofeedback can teach you to control your breathing; your heart
rate; your blood pressure, muscle tension and brain activity.

Breathing is usually voluntary. Some muscle tension can easily be
released consciously. But how can you lower your blood pressure
unless you get feedback on how well what you're doing right this
minute is working? (Think calming, peaceful thoughts. There. Are
you sure you've lowered your pressure?)

How many Western civilization medical conditions have to do with
tension, heart rate and blood pressure? Here's a partial list of
some of the conditions that seem to be effectively treated with

  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Hot flashes
  • Incontinence
  • Irregular heartbeats (cardiac arrhythmias)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy
  • Raynaud's disease

    In addition, pain management clinics are becoming more common and
    surprising as it may sound if some part of your body feels like
    it's being cut in two with a jagged knife, mental therapies are
    very successful in reducing or eliminating chronic pain.

    Most of what has been described here can also be treated with
    binaural beats. Are binaural beats just like biofeedback? Not
    exactly. Binaural beats do tell the brain how it is doing--or how it
    should do--then keep on prompting the brain by repetition of the
    binaural beat through a process called entrainment. The objective
    is the same. But the method for getting there is very different.

    Biofeedback is extremely dependent upon your conscious
    participation. If you tune out the machine (or person) telling you
    how you're doing and suggesting what to do next, you'll not have
    good results with biofeedback. It is 100% dependent upon your

    Binaural beat technology, on the other hand, requires very little
    of your conscious cooperation. While people have demonstrated
    better results through concentration, the beautiful thing about
    binaural beat recordings, such as the ones from Total Tranquility
    by Holothink, is that they work on the subconscious and even
    unconscious level. Better if you're conscious, but you don't have
    to try to achieve certain results. Just pop on the headphones with
    the audio in the electronic device of your choice and chill out for
    half an hour or so.

    You'll could feel better immediately. And in a month or two, you
    could actually be healthier. Permanently.

    Please note: Holothink does not promise to treat, diagnose or cure
    any physical ailment. There is a very large and powerful
    organization known as the AMA, backed by mega-billion dollar drug
    companies who ensure we don't cut into their interests. We have no
    desire to fight their lawyers, who, right or wrong, will win.

    Instead of suggesting that you could resolve any health condition
    related to stress with something other than a pill, we appeal to
    your common sense and nothing more.

    The Effortless Meditation Solution

  • Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    HoloSync Review: Are you a speed junkie too?

    I admit to being a speed junkie. Give me that
    double shot mocha - I need to get myself more
    revved up!

    Calm is the last thing I wanted to feel most of
    the time.

    At least, that's until I experienced calm and

    When I began using binaural beat technology, I
    was interested in the programs that increased
    creativity and focus - that stimulated my brain
    into being and doing more.

    So, I was reluctant when it was suggested to me
    that what I needed was the opposite - instead
    of more mental stimulation, I needed to calm down
    the current brainwave activity - first - to have
    what I wanted.

    Like you, I wanted to experience the best I could
    be. And learning to calm down was a critical
    first step to achieving that.

    When you use the Totally Tranquil program, you
    quiet the noise in your head - you know, the
    constant chatter, the never ending to-do list -
    even the overwhelming number of new ideas and
    information overload you deal with every moment
    of every day.

    When you calm that noise, remarkably, you will
    make better, clearer decisions. You will be
    able to "think" again. You will remove the
    clutter that prohibits optimal creativity and
    experience a calm that is, to me, priceless.

    If you haven't already, I encourage you to try
    the Totally Tranquil program - and even if you
    don't, I hope that what I've shared about first
    calming your mind helps you to get what you

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    Thursday, September 6, 2007

    How Binaural Beats Enhance Meditation

    Do you like instant fixes? Are you impatient? Truth-or-dare: have
    you on any occasion avoided meditation because it might take too
    much time from your already-busy life?

    Then you're going to love binaural beats, because they get you
    "there" faster than you could get there on your own. If you're an
    experienced meditator, you'll go deeper and achieve (or
    "non-achieve" ) more.

    Here's the technical description of how they work. (Skip to the
    next paragraph if all you want is why you should use them.)
    Binaural beats emerge from tones (like from a tuning fork) that hit
    each (bi) of your ears (aural) at a different frequency. For
    example 410 Hz in one ear and 400 Hz in the other. (One hertz
    equals one wave or fluctuation per second. Four hundred Hz means
    400 cycles per second.)

    Your brain, infinite genius that it is--and because you're using
    headphones to listen to the binaural sounds--attempts a "perceptual
    integration" of the two sounds. In other words, it plugs in the
    difference, and in this case calls it a 10 Hz sound, which is the
    tone it "chooses" to hear even though your ears cannot. Scientific
    researchers have determined that specific brainwave frequencies
    produce specific (and often desired) results.

    It has been said that binaural beats may become the mind altering
    pseudo drug of the future. Note it says pseudo drug. Binaural beats
    are not a drug. In fact, they're closer to music or
    self-improvement tapes than to brain-bending pharmacology.

    The really good news is that the effect of the beat can be
    scientifically structured to relax or stimulate you--or something
    else entirely--controlled by the creator of the sound files and
    which ones you order. And of course the level of attention (or not)
    you pay to the sounds as you listen has a significant influence on
    the effect they have on you.

    This is how binaural beats can serve you as "instant meditation."
    It may take as few as five minutes for your brain to begin
    reprogramming you. Remember, this is YOUR brain, not a cult leader
    nor an enemy! Your brain is discovering by way of experimentation
    that it has many more levels, layers, compartments and cells that
    can be awakened and devoted to work for you, as it always has.

    You may find yourself able to experience things you've heretofore
    only read about. What about kicking insomnia out the door, for
    example? Would you like to increase your sense of well-being?
    Experience euphoria without running a marathon, even if a suitable
    sexual partner is not available? What about speed-reading or lucid
    dreaming or something as universally desirable as less-stress?

    What we're really talking about here is your new-found ability to
    control your own brain by sending it to school, a school populated
    by binaural beat teachers (please don't confuse this with beat-ing!
    Binaurals are your friend, possibly the best friend you've ever
    had). You want your brain to enroll in new training, sometimes
    called entrainment.

    Your result on the other side of entrainment, or new brain wave
    training through binaural beats, is a brain wave frequency of your
    choice. Do you want to be calmer? Is more alert better suited to
    you? More excitable? Or more relaxed? You pick what your own
    knowing tells you, sign up your brain through Total Tranquility by
    Holothink, and wait for the amazing results.

    You'll discover you're the person you always thought you were,
    believed you were, yet had trouble putting forth so others could
    see you the way you knew yourself to be.

    It's worth a fortune, isn't it? And yet here it is so accessible.
    Go on. Be the best YOU you always knew you were.

    The Effortless Meditation Solution . . . Holothink!

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    HoloSync: Did you know THESE benefits of meditation?

    Does the phrase "mind control" conjure up memories of 900 deaths
    from cyanide poisoning in 1978 Jonestown under the spell of
    Peoples' Temple founder Jim Jones? While scientists enjoy writing
    about mental management from the perspective of bizarre external
    manipulation, that is not all there is to mind control!

    Take this example, for instance. You've just been introduced to a
    gorgeous woman at a party. Politely you ask where she's from before
    offering to refresh her drink. She says, "Well, I'm originally from
    New Jersey, but you know how people talk about Jersey, so I moved
    to New York, though I still get over to Jersey to see my family
    every couple of months. You wouldn't believe the traffic at the
    tunnel these days. But at least it isn't the Minneapolis Bridge, ya
    know what I mean? Those poor people. Thirteen now I heard. Not as
    bad a Katrina. Can you believe New Orleans still hasn't been

    However attractive, however long her legs and plump her lips, she
    does not have control of her mind, wouldn't you agree? She cannot,
    in this example, corral her thoughts to keep on the subject of
    where she is from, let alone take an interest in you!

    Hyperactive children are the same way. While playing with one toy,
    they glance up and see another they fancy, till about the moment
    they acquire it, then it's off to a third. No wonder the little
    tykes cry and throw tantrums. They're frustrated, of course! They
    haven't had a singularly satisfying experience all day. It's much
    the same with the email yarn about the multitasker looking for her
    keys, finds her missing glasses, opens the mail, pays a bill, finds
    her half-consumed Coke, still hasn't found her keys, etc., never
    finishes a task all day, yet at the end of the day is completely

    People who "free associate" (without being prompted to), seem
    addled, forget a name as soon as they hear it or in other ways
    become tagged as "flakey," barring a bona fide medical condition,
    may simply be lacking focus.

    A condition meditation addresses.

    Meditation is an act (or non-act, if you insist!) of controlling
    your mind. Whatever you've heard, the objective of meditation is
    100% absolute focus. What you focus on is up to you and the form of
    meditation you are practicing. A few of the options are:

    1. your breathing--nothing more and nothing less
    2. a mantra, saying or affirmation
    3. an ideal such as love or gratitude
    4. a problem, such as how you are consumed with desire or suffering
    5. a quiet mind (opinions on what this is vary)
    6. swaying or some other form of rhythmic movement
    7. a repetitive sound such as a beating drum, heart, etc.

    The practice of meditation provides the benefits one might expect
    from a mental giant who controls his or her mind well. These cover
    a range of primarily mental and emotional abilities but can also
    touch upon physical strengths and possibly even diagnoses.

    The first thing you might notice when meeting a person who has
    meditated regularly for a long time is the bright stillness of his
    or her eyes. I remember a disability insurance salesman who
    persuaded me more by his deep aqua eyes than by his presentation.

    How could someone so still be dissembling or dishonest? His very
    eyes seemed to see my soul and exactly what I needed and could

    The second thing you may realize when talking with a meditator is
    they do not seem to be glancing around, looking for what's going on
    in the background, or at their watch. They do not appear to be
    considering what they will say next. You wonder what you will say
    after they say what they are going to say, but it is clear they
    have not yet decided what they will say because they are so
    alertly, intently still listening to you.

    Could it be mediators put their own emotions through the same
    listening process? They certainly seem less frequently buffeted to
    and fro than a person who has not learned mental control. A
    hackneyed Psychology 101 question comes into play here: "Do you run
    because you are scared, or are you scared because you are running?"
    You may think fear sets off screaming, and it might. But screaming
    sets off far more fear, as you know if you enjoy horror movies!

    What do greater focus, improved stillness and emotional control do
    to one's body? Is it possible the acceptance meditation engenders
    lowers blood pressure, thus reducing the chances of heart attacks
    and stroke?

    Studies bear out these benefits and more. But for a quick
    "Do-I-Need-This" check, wouldn't you really enjoy people listening
    attentively to your eyes?

    The Effortless Meditation Solution . . . HoloSync!

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Scientists Discover Revolutionary Technology - Feel How You Want, When You Want

    It's true - scientists have discovered a revolutionary technology that allows you to synchronize your brainwaves to achieve a desired state - or feeling.

    Put on a pair of headphones, listen and enjoy the effect in minutes. That's it - it couldn't be EASIER!

    • Relax • Recharge • Spark Creativity • Feel Euphoric •
    • Achieve Deep Meditative States • Imagine the possibilities

    This may sound too amazing to be true, so . . .

    Try it for yourself and see if it really works. I have arranged for a FREE trial demonstration.
    This is a 100% risk-free opportunity for you to prove it to yourself.

    HoloSync Review: Attention Deficit Disorder

    Our technology easily explains this problem, why it occurs and what you can do about it.

    When any person is exposed to a specific brainwave state for a long enough duration of time, brainwave entrainment occurs. In other words, the brain is trained to "tune into" that frequency.

    While watching television, a person gets into an "alpha" state. This is characterized by a relaxed body and an aware - though not focused - state of mind.

    Most often, we accurately call this "vegging out".

    When the mind becomes entrained in this way, it is difficult for an individual to easily rise into "beta", which is the state of mind required for active, focused thinking.

    As a result, the individual is labeled as "lazy", "aloof", "not present". In other words, they proceed through life in the same mental state they'd be in if sitting in front of the boob tube all day. It has little to do with nature of the individual - the mind has just been trained to tune into that sedentary frequency.

    The same type of temporary brainwave manipulation occurs when you're on a long stretch of road and with a blink of your eyes, you realize five or ten miles have passed since you were last "paying attention".

    This is a "theta" state of mind that allows you to "daydream" while doing a repetitive task that doesn't require your mental attention.

    Our technology allows you to direct your mind in the same way - in the direction of your choosing.

    It is no more dangerous (though much more beneficial because you have control over your mental state) than watching television.

    If there is a downside to our technology - and self help approaches in general - it's that they often require time out of your day. Usually it's time well invested in yourself.

    But, sometimes it just isn't possible.

    So, if you don't have 20-60 minutes to invest in your well-being - then you probably need a good time management course first. It isn't necessary to listen every day, but the more you use these tracks the more you'll benefit.

    Personally, I enjoy listening to these tracks before bedtime. I get ready for bed, listen, relax and then sleep like a bear hibernating for Winter!

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    HoloSync Review: You Don't Need a Huge Room Full of Expensive Equipment

    Achieving this experience I've been telling you about used to require gigantic rooms full of expensive equipment. That made the cost prohibitive to the rest of us - it made the technology exclusively available to a select few (who took advantage of it to become somewhat 'super-human').

    But now the entire experience can be replicated with equipment you already have - a computer or a CD player and a pair of headphones.

    Caveat: There are

    Is This Dangerous?

    It certainly can be. In fact, it is already a public epidemic and it is something occurring in your life, to you and your loved ones right now.

    An example we are all familiar with . . .

    Today's children, adults too, suffer from varying conditions typically labeled as "ADD" or "ADHD" -

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    HoloSync Review: OK - This Must Cost a Small Fortune

    When I was a college intern, I had the opportunity to work for Tomlinson Holman. You may recognize his initials from "THX" - aka, the Tom Holman Exeriment. Tom is an audio engineering genius and THX helped to define the remarkable, breakthrough experience of Star Wars. It gave audiences a 360-degree sound experience that became the standard in the movie industry.

    In the film industry, large sums of money go into the sound engineering aspects of finishing a film. It requires a large sound stage to achieve an effect similar to being in an actual theater.

    Tom created a new sound technology - and like what I'm sharing with you today - there was only one real way to experience the full impact and effect of it. He'd sit people in a room full of speakers - the normal surround sound configuration of a home audio theater and play the movie Apocolypse Now. The room rumbled and shook with the thunderous booming of bombs.

    It was an intense and impressive experience.

    But Tom saved the real "wow" until last. He'd enter the room and ask "How was the sound?"

    Of course, it was remarkable. Impressive like nothing I, or anyone else, had ever heard.

    A humble, but knowing smile would cross his face and he would proceed to turn around all but two of the speakers in the room to reveal . . .

    . . . they weren't speakers at all. They were empty wooden boxes built to look like speakers. The whole, intense sound experience came from just two small speakers in the front of the room. But to have enjoyed the experience first-person you'd have sworn there was NO WAY that those two little speakers could have produced what you heard.

    With two small speakers and a sophisticated amplifier, Tomlinson Holman was able to save movie-makers thousands and thousands of dollars because they could the majority of the sound - with the full theater experience - in a room the size of a large bathroom or walk-in closet.

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    HoloSync Review: What Do Binaural Beats Sound Like?

    You can experience it yourself by listening to the demo track we’ve provided you with. Just check for the link in the email we sent to you.

    You may notice helicopter, or "washing" type noises moving around in your head. These sounds are actually created inside your head, and are not coming directly from our soundtrack. It is this noise that is doing the work of helping your brainwaves get synchronized to the patterns you have chosen.

    After a session of 15 minutes or more, you may feel refreshed, light, airy, clear-headed, etc. I always find myself feeling very good afterwards. Listening to binaural beat audio for 30 minutes a day can result in subtle but great changes in your life.

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    HoloSync Review: Simple and Effective Method of Using this Science

    Scientific researchers have found the easiest way of applying stimulus to the brain is through the ears. However, the ranges of sound that produce the effects we're after fall out of the range of normal human hearing.

    The low sounds necessary for brain stimulation require a special technique called "binaural beats". The landmark research for this technology of "binaural beats" was first presented in a 1973 issue of Scientific American by a biophysicist named Dr. Gerald Oster, M.D.

    Dr. Oster found that when different sound frequencies are delivered to the brain through each ear separately (such as by using stereo headphones), the two hemispheres of the brain start working together to perceive not the external audio signals, but a third "phantom" signal -- the binaural beat.

    In other words, your brain is able to "fill in the blank". Here's a visual example to make this more clear:

    Even though you have been given less than 50% of this word, you can easily decipher what it says. Your mind fills in the blank.

    Here is a simple explanation of how binaural beats work: If one ear is presented with a sound frequency of 200 Hz and the other ear receives a tone of 210 Hz, these two tones combine in the brain.

    Each hemisphere of the brain has its own sound-processing center to receive the signals from each ear. The difference between these two different frequencies (10 Hz) is perceived and generated by the brain as a binaural beat.

    Each binaural beat generates what are termed two "standing waves", one from each hemisphere. These two separate standing waves entrain the hemispheres toward the same frequency, which is 10 Hz: the mathematical difference between the auditory inputs.

    In this way, the brain waves are said to be "synchronized". Instead of hearing the two different tones (at 200 and 210 Hz), you would hear one rhythmic beat of 10 Hz.

    This type of training has been shown to enhance brain function through the increase of communication circuits between the left and right hemispheres of the brain account for increased "whole brain functioning".

    Additionally, the brain can be trained into specific brain states such as alpha (for relaxation and visualization), beta (for peak concentration and cognitive processes), theta (for meditation, memory and learning), and delta (for restorative sleep and healing).

    One study conducted at Duke University Medical Center and reported in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that presenting binaural auditory beats could enhance psychomotor performance (aka, hand-eye coordination or body control) and mood.

    Researcher Dr. Lester Fehmi has said that brain synchronization "...is correlated experientially with a union with experience, and 'into-it-ness.' Instead of feeling separate and narrow-focused you tend to feel more into it...There's a whole-brain sensory integration going on and it's as if you become less self-conscious and function more intuitively."

    Sound familiar?

    This is exactly the state many people call being "in the zone," where you're functioning at the top of your game! And it's now possible to get there—easily!

    Synchronizing your brain can quite simply catapult you to much higher levels of effectiveness in your life.

    Another scientist called brain synchronization "extremely beneficial, with each subject feeling as if his or her mind had reached a higher level of integration, with accompanying increases in mental powers and an unmistakable reorientation toward life."

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    HoloSync Review: What is the function of the various brainwaves?

    There are four categories of brainwaves that range from the most activity (beta) to the least activity (delta).

    When your brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. A person in active conversation or displaying any sharp, witty, “fully engaged” behavior is in beta.

    The next brainwave category in order of activity is alpha. Where beta represents varying degrees of arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. You are conscious and aware, but relaxed when you’re in the alpha state. Sitting and watching the tide roll in, walking calmly through a garden, listening to relaxing music, and most meditation experiences occur in alpha.

    The next state is theta. When you lose focused consciousness – such as when you “space out” or daydream, you’re in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they don't recall the last few miles, is often in a theta state -- induced by the repetitious nature of freeway driving. I get many great ideas while driving and you probably do too. That’s because when you and I are in theta we often experience a free-flow of ideas.

    This can also occur in the shower or tub. That’s because theta is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them.

    The creation process that takes place during the theta state often occurs without censorship or guilt. It can be a very positive mental state.

    The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are slowest. In delta, you experience a deep dreamless sleep.

    When delta brainwave frequencies increase into theta, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to you. When this occurs it is commonly indicated by rapid eye movement (REM sleep) - characteristic of active dreaming.

    Here is a Brief Summary of the Brainwaves and How They Affect You

    Deep Sleep
    The mind is at rest, dormant.

    Drowsiness (early sleep & deep meditation)
    Dreaming state, or thoughts from the subconscious come to the surface.

    Alert but Relaxed (deeply relaxed or dreaming)
    Relaxed thoughtfulness; conscious thought.

    Highly Focused & Alert (normal waking state)
    Intense situations requiring your focused attention.

    Now that you have the knowledge of these brainwave states you can enhance your ability to make use of them: this includes being mentally productive across a wide range of activities, such as being intensely focused, relaxed, creative or in restful sleep. In the normal flow of life, you may only have access to these states at certain times and while performing specific activities that have been largely unknown to you before.

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    HoloSync Review: How Does This Technology Work?

    Some of this information may sound complicated – so let's start with a basic discussion about brain waves.

    This new technology is based on sound frequencies and their effect on the auditory system of your brain. After five minutes of listening, or so, your brain “tunes in” and resonates at the same frequency. The result is a dominant brain wave pattern at the desired frequency.

    Like in the example above, just think of it as your brain tuning into the frequency you want it attuned to – your favorite radio station.

    Use of this technology results in what researches call brain wave entrainment (training your brain waves to tune into a specific frequency). Some have called it instant meditation. I know some people very serious about meditation who have spent years working to master the ability to tune into various brain wave states – now you can do it by simply listening.

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    HoloSync Review: This Is Where It Gets Really Useful to You

    With the ability to measure brain activity scientific researchers have found a way to "train" the brain and they call it brain wave entrainment. As a result, science has produced a technology with tremendous appeal to people like you and me.

    This technology is a simple-to-use way to relieve stress, improve sleep, enhance creativity, access deep meditative states, and so much more.

    This technology can actually alter the electrochemical environment of the brain -- in order to allow you the mind-consciousness to have enhanced experiences and to synchronize the waves of your brain's hemispheres to improve your brain's function.

    There are a number of positive benefits to utilizing this technology:

    • Create real and constant happiness in your life, regardless of your past or present circumstances ...
    • Enhance your creativity, intelligence, and overall mental functioning ... · Upgrade your overall sense of well-being and inner peace ...
    • Clear yourself of any emotional roadblocks to health ...
    • Improve your ability to relax and handle stress in your life ...
    • Promote a healthy sleeping pattern ...
    • Create your own success in the world, along with the personal satisfaction and sense of fulfillment that comes with being successful ...
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    HoloSync Review: Introducing Brainwave Neurotechnology

    Did you know that some scientists believe that a well functioning brain can generate as much as 10 watts of electrical power?

    The electrical activity emanating from your brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves, which can be measured by an EEG.

    I'm sure you have heard of biofeedback. Biofeedback is a way of gaining important information from your body in order to manage it better. Essentially, biofeedback is the science of self-regulation. For example, a simple form of biofeedback is using a thermometer to take your temperature.

    Biofeedback is useful in treating many types of mental and physical problems. For instance EEG biofeedback (also called neurofeedback) uses an EEG, or electroencephalograph machine, to measure brainwaves - electrical vibrations from the surface of the scalp.

    Because scientists have the ability to measure brainwave frequencies, it can now be determined how a person is feeling based on the brains neural activity.

    Specific brainwave frequencies equal specific feelings – specific states of mind.

    HoloSync Review: How to Tune Into Your Favorite Station

    Some days you feel in the mood to listen to pop rock, and other days you might be in the mood to listen to classical. Maybe you like rap – or country. Maybe you like “New Wave” from the 80’s, classic rock from the “70’s” or “beach tunes” from the 60’s. Or maybe you prefer something, deeper and more thought provoking like NPR.

    We tune into each of these stations because they offer us a source of mental stimulation that we desire. You tune your FM radio to the station of your choice and you receive the radio frequency that gives you the channel – the experience - that you want.

    And so it is with this technology. You can “tune into” happiness, enhanced creativity, relaxation, deep levels of meditation, and so much more.

    • If you feel down, just tune into a “happy frequency”.
    • If you feel stressed, tune into relaxation.
    • If you are having a challenging time concentrating, tune into enhanced focus. Imagine being able to learn, with excellent comprehension, twice as much information in half the time.
    • If you want to experience a depth of meditation Zen monks have spent years in solitary meditation to achieve, just put on a pair of headphones and listen.

    It almost isn’t fair!

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    NOW, You Can Easily Access the Hidden Part of Your Mind That Holds the Secrets to Ultimate Success, Happiness and Peace - And It's Easy

    With the ability to access any state of mind at any time, the possibility to get more richness from your life is already reality.

    You can reach a profound state of peace and personal insight previously only attainable by Zen monks who spent years in quiet, solitary meditation.

    Enjoy the effects of a "mental bath" - a wave of relaxation that melts stress from your body - and stimulating your mind to bring to the surface brilliant ideas buried in your subconscious.

    Given the ability to access your subconscious, you can identify and eliminate self-imposed limitations and blocks to achieve greater and greater success.

    What I am going to share with you may sound unbelievable; too good to be true. And, that’s why you must experience it for yourself.

    Some years ago, I felt tired and drained at the end of a stressful day. A friend said, “I have just the thing for you. Here. Put on these headphones and listen.”

    My friend – Steve - was into the latest gizmos and gadgets. He was one of the most successful people I knew. A genuinely happy guy - healthy, upbeat, fun to hang out with. And, he was always investing in these experimental toys - this one cost a cool $395.

    I put on the headphones, closed my eyes and I listened.

    Within ten minutes I felt like I’d taken a 2 hour nap – but without the groggy feelings of waking back into my day. That was my first experience with the technology I'm going to share with you - I found it truly amazing then and I find it more fascinating today. And I am certain you will have the same experience too - when you try it.

    Lucid dreams, altered states, deep relaxation, euphoria, enhanced creativity, accelerated learning, an improved ability to focus and concentrate, psychic abilities, elimination of insomnia and the symptoms of stress, and increased endorphin levels have all been attributed to the use of this technology.

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    HoloSync Review: Leaving You Deeper Into Your Intuitive Self

    You don't even need to understand why

    HoloSync sessions benefit you greatly

    Your eyes should be comfortably closed

    And your legs and arm uncrossed

    So the power of your mind will work through the ability of your body to

    Create the state known as HoloSync meditation


    Your going to learn to-do it yourself

    Using a process called the 10 to 1 method of HoloSync Meditation

    All you will need to-do is keep your eye's closed and

    Allow the music to penetrate you completely

    Your conscious mind can drift along with the music while

    Your inner mind will concentrate fully on the sound of your own thoughts

    Enjoy whatever your feeling at the sound of your own thoughts and

    Focus on each of the numbers and count down from 10 to 1

    Each descending number will have a unique and different suggestion for you

    As you accept and act on your powerful thoughts

    positive thoughts

    Your life will get better

    You will find when practicing this method on your own that

    You can assign these numbers any meaning that might suite you needs

    Its all for you you know

    Learning how to use HoloSync for a change is

    Making your life better

    Lets begin by imagining now

    A chock board in your mind

    Image this chock board represents the space

    And place and time now

    You can move from the stat of wide awake alert consciousness

    Into the dreamy drowsy relaxed and comfortable state

    Know as your intuitive and inventive self

    Your imagination will provide you with sights and sounds and sensations

    While you drift and dream

    Of every thought and fantasy

    Leaving you deeper into your intuitive self

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    HoloSync Review: The MindShift Audio Technology Of Holosync

    During a HoloSync session

    Your mind shifts

    Into a state where during this session

    You learn to suspend criticism

    And instead, allow your powerful imagination to

    Accept positive suggestions and thoughts

    Its automatic

    These suggestions and thoughts will

    Capture your attention

    Spark your imagination and

    Lead your inner mind to rehearse all the ways that

    You can eliminate negative thoughts and feelings from your life

    Building Instead

    New thoughts

    New beliefs

    New sensations and new behaviors that

    As you then accept what works as your own positive thoughts

    You change for the better

    Its starts now

    Because this HoloSync session will have a powerful affect on your subconscious mind

    I want you

    For just the time it takes to experience these sessions

    Totally screen out outside sounds

    And outside influences

    You will remain relaxed and deep in a HoloSync trance

    Accepting new thoughts and obeying your own rules

    And only a real emergency could disturb your from this HoloSync trance training experience

    When it comes time to emerge from trance

    You will then awaken relaxed


    Happy you took the HoloSync journey

    And all resulting changes will be natural and positive for you

    So open yourself up completely and

    Begin now to go into a powerful state of HoloSync trance

    People can experience a side effect from this process

    One where you rapidly learn to sleep soundly all night long

    Will wonderful dreams

    So your subconscious mind will review and strengthen all the thoughts and pictures

    As you accept and obey quickly

    Your own mind will force you to

    Have the HoloSync experience completely first

    And only then integrate the resulting positive changes

    In a perfectly natural and helpful way

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    HoloSync Review: The Experience Of Holosync


    When you first listen to binaural beats, and begin to follow along with the music

    you will begin guiding youself into the most relaxing state of positive change possible.

    As the sounds guide you through your introduction Holosync.

    Good subjects find a quite place and a comfortable chair in which to recline

    And use headphones so that you can hear the music, inside you mind and

    All the outside sounds recede

    Close your eyes and

    Make yourself comfortable

    A good way to listen to this process is like

    When you come home and perhaps flip on the TV so that

    As you move into the next room

    You could still hear the voices even if you were paying no conscious attention to it at all

    Just the familiar sounds of life all around you

    Nothing can disturb or distract you as you

    Learn to let go and

    Go into a HoloSync trance.

    What you'll find is that

    The sound of the music and the binaural beats will

    Work together to guide your body into a profound sense of

    Deep physical relaxation

    Where you body will relax into a sleep like state

    You'll know your in the chair and

    You could open your eyes if you wanted

    Its just that

    Your rather remain relaxed and comfortable

    While you listen to the music.

    The HoloSync music is specifically designed to produce an entrainment effect

    One where you the compelling rhythms

    Capture your thoughts and

    Lead your body to the thresholds of sleep



    So wonderfully relaxed

    So that

    All you have to do is

    Let go

    And allow this to happen

    So long as you hear the music

    You will remain relaxed and drifting

    Deeper into relaxing HoloSync trance

    It's a state of powerful

    Profound exploration and discovery

    It's a state where your mind is free of hesitation and doubt

    Free from worry or care

    It's a state where you can learn to become



    Balanced in thoughts and feelings

    Open to sensation and satisfaction

    You'll find that you might awaken a little hear and there

    But then you'll hear the music and the HoloSync beats and

    You'll slip right back down

    Right back down

    Deeper and deeper with every breath

    Every breath

    Every word you hear

    Sending you deeper, and deeper

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    HoloSync Review

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