from cyanide poisoning in 1978 Jonestown under the spell of
Peoples' Temple founder Jim Jones? While scientists enjoy writing
about mental management from the perspective of bizarre external
manipulation, that is not all there is to mind control!
Take this example, for instance. You've just been introduced to a
gorgeous woman at a party. Politely you ask where she's from before
offering to refresh her drink. She says, "Well, I'm originally from
New Jersey, but you know how people talk about Jersey, so I moved
to New York, though I still get over to Jersey to see my family
every couple of months. You wouldn't believe the traffic at the
tunnel these days. But at least it isn't the Minneapolis Bridge, ya
know what I mean? Those poor people. Thirteen now I heard. Not as
bad a Katrina. Can you believe New Orleans still hasn't been
However attractive, however long her legs and plump her lips, she
does not have control of her mind, wouldn't you agree? She cannot,
in this example, corral her thoughts to keep on the subject of
where she is from, let alone take an interest in you!
Hyperactive children are the same way. While playing with one toy,
they glance up and see another they fancy, till about the moment
they acquire it, then it's off to a third. No wonder the little
tykes cry and throw tantrums. They're frustrated, of course! They
haven't had a singularly satisfying experience all day. It's much
the same with the email yarn about the multitasker looking for her
keys, finds her missing glasses, opens the mail, pays a bill, finds
her half-consumed Coke, still hasn't found her keys, etc., never
finishes a task all day, yet at the end of the day is completely
People who "free associate" (without being prompted to), seem
addled, forget a name as soon as they hear it or in other ways
become tagged as "flakey," barring a bona fide medical condition,
may simply be lacking focus.
A condition meditation addresses.
Meditation is an act (or non-act, if you insist!) of controlling
your mind. Whatever you've heard, the objective of meditation is
100% absolute focus. What you focus on is up to you and the form of
meditation you are practicing. A few of the options are:
1. your breathing--nothing more and nothing less
2. a mantra, saying or affirmation
3. an ideal such as love or gratitude
4. a problem, such as how you are consumed with desire or suffering
5. a quiet mind (opinions on what this is vary)
6. swaying or some other form of rhythmic movement
7. a repetitive sound such as a beating drum, heart, etc.
The practice of meditation provides the benefits one might expect
from a mental giant who controls his or her mind well. These cover
a range of primarily mental and emotional abilities but can also
touch upon physical strengths and possibly even diagnoses.
The first thing you might notice when meeting a person who has
meditated regularly for a long time is the bright stillness of his
or her eyes. I remember a disability insurance salesman who
persuaded me more by his deep aqua eyes than by his presentation.
How could someone so still be dissembling or dishonest? His very
eyes seemed to see my soul and exactly what I needed and could
The second thing you may realize when talking with a meditator is
they do not seem to be glancing around, looking for what's going on
in the background, or at their watch. They do not appear to be
considering what they will say next. You wonder what you will say
after they say what they are going to say, but it is clear they
have not yet decided what they will say because they are so
alertly, intently still listening to you.
Could it be mediators put their own emotions through the same
listening process? They certainly seem less frequently buffeted to
and fro than a person who has not learned mental control. A
hackneyed Psychology 101 question comes into play here: "Do you run
because you are scared, or are you scared because you are running?"
You may think fear sets off screaming, and it might. But screaming
sets off far more fear, as you know if you enjoy horror movies!
What do greater focus, improved stillness and emotional control do
to one's body? Is it possible the acceptance meditation engenders
lowers blood pressure, thus reducing the chances of heart attacks
and stroke?
Studies bear out these benefits and more. But for a quick
"Do-I-Need-This" check, wouldn't you really enjoy people listening
attentively to your eyes?
The Effortless Meditation Solution . . . HoloSync!
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