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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

HoloSync Review: What Do Binaural Beats Sound Like?

You can experience it yourself by listening to the demo track we’ve provided you with. Just check for the link in the email we sent to you.

You may notice helicopter, or "washing" type noises moving around in your head. These sounds are actually created inside your head, and are not coming directly from our soundtrack. It is this noise that is doing the work of helping your brainwaves get synchronized to the patterns you have chosen.

After a session of 15 minutes or more, you may feel refreshed, light, airy, clear-headed, etc. I always find myself feeling very good afterwards. Listening to binaural beat audio for 30 minutes a day can result in subtle but great changes in your life.

Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE


Anonymous said...


Binaural Beats

FREE 10 minute sample

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