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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

HoloSync Review: The Experience Of Holosync


When you first listen to binaural beats, and begin to follow along with the music

you will begin guiding youself into the most relaxing state of positive change possible.

As the sounds guide you through your introduction Holosync.

Good subjects find a quite place and a comfortable chair in which to recline

And use headphones so that you can hear the music, inside you mind and

All the outside sounds recede

Close your eyes and

Make yourself comfortable

A good way to listen to this process is like

When you come home and perhaps flip on the TV so that

As you move into the next room

You could still hear the voices even if you were paying no conscious attention to it at all

Just the familiar sounds of life all around you

Nothing can disturb or distract you as you

Learn to let go and

Go into a HoloSync trance.

What you'll find is that

The sound of the music and the binaural beats will

Work together to guide your body into a profound sense of

Deep physical relaxation

Where you body will relax into a sleep like state

You'll know your in the chair and

You could open your eyes if you wanted

Its just that

Your rather remain relaxed and comfortable

While you listen to the music.

The HoloSync music is specifically designed to produce an entrainment effect

One where you the compelling rhythms

Capture your thoughts and

Lead your body to the thresholds of sleep



So wonderfully relaxed

So that

All you have to do is

Let go

And allow this to happen

So long as you hear the music

You will remain relaxed and drifting

Deeper into relaxing HoloSync trance

It's a state of powerful

Profound exploration and discovery

It's a state where your mind is free of hesitation and doubt

Free from worry or care

It's a state where you can learn to become



Balanced in thoughts and feelings

Open to sensation and satisfaction

You'll find that you might awaken a little hear and there

But then you'll hear the music and the HoloSync beats and

You'll slip right back down

Right back down

Deeper and deeper with every breath

Every breath

Every word you hear

Sending you deeper, and deeper

Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

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