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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Biofeedback VS. Binaural Beats

"Stop it. Just calm down. Here, sit down here. Now breathe
slowly....slowly...in through your nose, that's it, now out through
your mouth. Again. And one more time. There. Now tell me what
happened. What frightened you so?"

Sound familiar? This is probably the earliest kind of human
biofeedback, not counting the tiger who killed the hunters because
she smelled their fear and they couldn't stop themselves in time!

In the illustration above, one person is giving feedback to
another. The observer notices a frantic brain state in an
individual and cannot find out why. The observer gives feedback
about the person's consciousness, coupled with a suggestion.
"You're overly excited. You're useless to me this way. Sit down."

When the hysterical person complies, the "feedback machine," in
this case probably a good friend, offers another observation and
suggestion. "You're breathing too hard. Slow your breathing. Inhale
deeply, now exhale. Do it again, very slowly." The frightened
individual is calming down. Speech might be possible. The "trainer"
offers another tip, "One more time."

Biofeedback is a fairly young science, as such, emerging in the
heyday of alternatives, the 1960s. Along with renewed interest in
all things retro, back to nature, and alternative medicine,
biofeedback is enjoying a resurgence in the beginning of the 21st

Medical personnel agree that 80-90% of all illnesses have an
originating component in the mind. This is not hypochondria, it is
not "thininking you are sick," but it is bad thinking, chiefly
stress. Someone cuts you off at an intersection and what you choose
to think about that can wreck your whole day--and your blood
pressure--or not. Stress is implicated in most of the diseases
plaguing industrialized nations. "I have this machine now to help
me work, but it's broken. I must now also reboot the machine."

Frustrating, isn't it?

Biofeedback can teach you to control your breathing; your heart
rate; your blood pressure, muscle tension and brain activity.

Breathing is usually voluntary. Some muscle tension can easily be
released consciously. But how can you lower your blood pressure
unless you get feedback on how well what you're doing right this
minute is working? (Think calming, peaceful thoughts. There. Are
you sure you've lowered your pressure?)

How many Western civilization medical conditions have to do with
tension, heart rate and blood pressure? Here's a partial list of
some of the conditions that seem to be effectively treated with

  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Hot flashes
  • Incontinence
  • Irregular heartbeats (cardiac arrhythmias)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy
  • Raynaud's disease

    In addition, pain management clinics are becoming more common and
    surprising as it may sound if some part of your body feels like
    it's being cut in two with a jagged knife, mental therapies are
    very successful in reducing or eliminating chronic pain.

    Most of what has been described here can also be treated with
    binaural beats. Are binaural beats just like biofeedback? Not
    exactly. Binaural beats do tell the brain how it is doing--or how it
    should do--then keep on prompting the brain by repetition of the
    binaural beat through a process called entrainment. The objective
    is the same. But the method for getting there is very different.

    Biofeedback is extremely dependent upon your conscious
    participation. If you tune out the machine (or person) telling you
    how you're doing and suggesting what to do next, you'll not have
    good results with biofeedback. It is 100% dependent upon your

    Binaural beat technology, on the other hand, requires very little
    of your conscious cooperation. While people have demonstrated
    better results through concentration, the beautiful thing about
    binaural beat recordings, such as the ones from Total Tranquility
    by Holothink, is that they work on the subconscious and even
    unconscious level. Better if you're conscious, but you don't have
    to try to achieve certain results. Just pop on the headphones with
    the audio in the electronic device of your choice and chill out for
    half an hour or so.

    You'll could feel better immediately. And in a month or two, you
    could actually be healthier. Permanently.

    Please note: Holothink does not promise to treat, diagnose or cure
    any physical ailment. There is a very large and powerful
    organization known as the AMA, backed by mega-billion dollar drug
    companies who ensure we don't cut into their interests. We have no
    desire to fight their lawyers, who, right or wrong, will win.

    Instead of suggesting that you could resolve any health condition
    related to stress with something other than a pill, we appeal to
    your common sense and nothing more.

    The Effortless Meditation Solution

  • Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    HoloSync Review: Are you a speed junkie too?

    I admit to being a speed junkie. Give me that
    double shot mocha - I need to get myself more
    revved up!

    Calm is the last thing I wanted to feel most of
    the time.

    At least, that's until I experienced calm and

    When I began using binaural beat technology, I
    was interested in the programs that increased
    creativity and focus - that stimulated my brain
    into being and doing more.

    So, I was reluctant when it was suggested to me
    that what I needed was the opposite - instead
    of more mental stimulation, I needed to calm down
    the current brainwave activity - first - to have
    what I wanted.

    Like you, I wanted to experience the best I could
    be. And learning to calm down was a critical
    first step to achieving that.

    When you use the Totally Tranquil program, you
    quiet the noise in your head - you know, the
    constant chatter, the never ending to-do list -
    even the overwhelming number of new ideas and
    information overload you deal with every moment
    of every day.

    When you calm that noise, remarkably, you will
    make better, clearer decisions. You will be
    able to "think" again. You will remove the
    clutter that prohibits optimal creativity and
    experience a calm that is, to me, priceless.

    If you haven't already, I encourage you to try
    the Totally Tranquil program - and even if you
    don't, I hope that what I've shared about first
    calming your mind helps you to get what you

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE

    Thursday, September 6, 2007

    How Binaural Beats Enhance Meditation

    Do you like instant fixes? Are you impatient? Truth-or-dare: have
    you on any occasion avoided meditation because it might take too
    much time from your already-busy life?

    Then you're going to love binaural beats, because they get you
    "there" faster than you could get there on your own. If you're an
    experienced meditator, you'll go deeper and achieve (or
    "non-achieve" ) more.

    Here's the technical description of how they work. (Skip to the
    next paragraph if all you want is why you should use them.)
    Binaural beats emerge from tones (like from a tuning fork) that hit
    each (bi) of your ears (aural) at a different frequency. For
    example 410 Hz in one ear and 400 Hz in the other. (One hertz
    equals one wave or fluctuation per second. Four hundred Hz means
    400 cycles per second.)

    Your brain, infinite genius that it is--and because you're using
    headphones to listen to the binaural sounds--attempts a "perceptual
    integration" of the two sounds. In other words, it plugs in the
    difference, and in this case calls it a 10 Hz sound, which is the
    tone it "chooses" to hear even though your ears cannot. Scientific
    researchers have determined that specific brainwave frequencies
    produce specific (and often desired) results.

    It has been said that binaural beats may become the mind altering
    pseudo drug of the future. Note it says pseudo drug. Binaural beats
    are not a drug. In fact, they're closer to music or
    self-improvement tapes than to brain-bending pharmacology.

    The really good news is that the effect of the beat can be
    scientifically structured to relax or stimulate you--or something
    else entirely--controlled by the creator of the sound files and
    which ones you order. And of course the level of attention (or not)
    you pay to the sounds as you listen has a significant influence on
    the effect they have on you.

    This is how binaural beats can serve you as "instant meditation."
    It may take as few as five minutes for your brain to begin
    reprogramming you. Remember, this is YOUR brain, not a cult leader
    nor an enemy! Your brain is discovering by way of experimentation
    that it has many more levels, layers, compartments and cells that
    can be awakened and devoted to work for you, as it always has.

    You may find yourself able to experience things you've heretofore
    only read about. What about kicking insomnia out the door, for
    example? Would you like to increase your sense of well-being?
    Experience euphoria without running a marathon, even if a suitable
    sexual partner is not available? What about speed-reading or lucid
    dreaming or something as universally desirable as less-stress?

    What we're really talking about here is your new-found ability to
    control your own brain by sending it to school, a school populated
    by binaural beat teachers (please don't confuse this with beat-ing!
    Binaurals are your friend, possibly the best friend you've ever
    had). You want your brain to enroll in new training, sometimes
    called entrainment.

    Your result on the other side of entrainment, or new brain wave
    training through binaural beats, is a brain wave frequency of your
    choice. Do you want to be calmer? Is more alert better suited to
    you? More excitable? Or more relaxed? You pick what your own
    knowing tells you, sign up your brain through Total Tranquility by
    Holothink, and wait for the amazing results.

    You'll discover you're the person you always thought you were,
    believed you were, yet had trouble putting forth so others could
    see you the way you knew yourself to be.

    It's worth a fortune, isn't it? And yet here it is so accessible.
    Go on. Be the best YOU you always knew you were.

    The Effortless Meditation Solution . . . Holothink!

    Get Your FREE Instant Audio Relaxation HERE